The Euphoric "New Wave"
Running past the vibrant, vacant homes on the extensive "Road Diet" street in Long Beach reflects the Sunset District labyrinth streets in San Francisco. The early morning dew sets on top of the uneven concrete streets and the greenery around the neighborhood shows a settle blush against the foggy sky.
Long Beach "Road Diet" Street. 07 Dec. 2019. |
Both gentrified areas embody the new wave of Millenial culture that is being sewn into the antique, historical buildings.
The culture of both the Long Beach and San Francisco extensive streets are becoming the homes of "modern-day people".
Rent charges rise slowly as the refined healthy vulture restaurants become the top-tier talk of the town.
"Everything is Okay". Karla Lopez. 2019. |
Established families from 50s, 60s, and so on, become afraid of this epidemic.
The new culture wave becomes a euphoric nightmare, and the homes of many become lost to the individuals with inherited money or self-starting million-dollar businesses.
"Where does it end?"
Unfortunately, it doesn't.
The new wave of modern and abstract buildings, higher taxes, higher living costs, and overcrowding streets is the wave invited by the politicians of the city.
Politicians may advocate for the individuals of low-income status and individuals surviving under the poverty line.
But, inviting oversee and money feeding corporations in the city life conversation only shows the complacency of local politicians.
Tarot Wellness Reading, 3 Card Pull: Past, Present, and Future. 07 Dec. 2019
Past - Page, Present - The Knight, Future - Queen.
To discuss the injustice of cultural representation within any city currently undergoing the new wave culture, the idea of "power inheritance" needs to be discussed.
The power of conversation in the community and the newly elected politicians that advocate for the unspoken voices in the lost communities can bring justice.
In defeat, the embedded racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, and classism within politics will become a new lesson to politicians in other cities.
The threat of exposing the wrongdoing in kicking families onto the street by politicians will become the trending on-going topic on the streets, Twitter feed, and other populated social media platforms.
"Power inheritance" is an old systematic structure that benefits only the rich, but people become blind to this power because of its repetition in society. The conversation of this malicious power is blatantly lost in the conversation of politics.
When this power structure should be the key to discussing the result of the growth and outcry of homeless individuals on the streets.
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